Saturday, November 30, 2019
Macbeth Character Essays (340 words) - English-language Films
Macbeth Character One of the great shakespearen tragedies, Macbeth is a play based on character and deed. Set in Scotland, the play cleverly develops each of the main characters, molding their essence and traits into a twisted masterpiece. The central character Macbeth is driven by his ambition to become king of Scotland, and in the process commits acts of betrayl and treachery. However, it has been stated many times that behind every man is an even greater woman who drives her man to succeed. Lady Macbeth is the great woman behind the man. As the play progresses one can clearly see where a wife's ambition fuels her husband, and leads him to his downfall. Within the first act, Lady Macbeth receives a letter from Macbeth detailing his encounter with the witches and their prophecies. After reading the letter, she immediately began plotting to assassinate Duncan. Our first indication of Lady Macbeth's ambition and dark nature is evident when she says, "...That croaks the fatal entrance of Duncan under my battlements. " (I: v: 39). She continues her speech by asking the spirits to: unsex me here, and fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full of direst cruelty! Stop up the access and passage to remorse (I: v) to give her the capability to be remorseless. Lady Macbeth's depravity and lack of morality begins to have an effect on Macbeth as he progresses from a ethical man to one willing to commit murder. Macbeth begins to expereince extreme conflict of emotions at this point. His ambitiousness is leading him towards killing Duncan while his remaining shreds of morality will not allow him to commit a crime of such magnitude. He debates the pros and cons of his decision and ultimately his morality wins the battle. "We will proceed no further in this business" (I: vii) he tells his wife. It would have ended here had Lady Macbeth not involved herself further. Knowing that she had the power in their relationship, she questions Macbeth's manhood, and courage: When you durst do it, then you were a man; And, to be more than what you wre you would Be so much more the man...(I:vii)
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
To be in Advertising
To be in Advertising Free Online Research Papers Advertising allows a person to consider virtually every aspect of American business, social culture, technology and many other areas. (Sivak) As a student at Lee University, I am studying Communications with an emphasis in Advertising in hopes that one day I will have the opportunity to work for a non-profit organization such as World Vision or Blood Water Mission. I have so many interests in life, so I like the idea of constantly working on projects for different companies and making people aware of things that I think are important to myself and other people around the world. I feel like this would add a little flavor to a job. Over the past four weeks in class we have been learning about different emphasis in the field of Communications. I would like to work in the field of advertising. I have always thought it was interesting how you can catch a person’s attention by using certain colors and font. There are many forms of advertising but form of advertising that I want to be a part of is media advertising. Media advertising deals with television commercials, billboards, infomercials and pictures. To be in advertising you should have a Bachelors degree and training in communication skills. You need to be able to communicate to the audience what you are trying to sell. You will also need strong people skills. Advertising requires you to work closely with a client base that can be difficult and demanding. You need to be able to communicate with your clients so you give them what they want and what you want to accomplish with their campaign. You will need to be very creative. Advertising is one of the few fields where you can use your creative flair and just to town on a project to sell it to the audience. You will also need to be able to work with a team. To prepare you for the field of advertising you should take classes in Web Design and if your university has an advertising program classes in that and art. The more you are in touch with your creative side the better. Also, join the advertising clubs on your campus and get involved in all things advertising. This will help you develop your skills and connections with others who are also in the field of advertising. Advertising is very competitive. You must be willing to start at the bottom and work your way up. Internships in the advertising field is a must to make connections. You must be very goal oriented and be ready to a lot for the job. It is not for the faint of heart. The stress levels in advertising are very high especially if you want to finish the presentation properly for a pressing deadline. In the field of advertising so many jobs are open to you. You can work for corporate companies, nonprofit companies, free lance and so many other opportunities are out there. The field of nonprofit organizations would be the most rewarding because in nonprofit organizations you have the opportunity to make a difference and have a real chance to contribute to society and grow while you are at it. You will probably earn more money if you work freelance but it probably won’t be as rewarding. It really just depends on your personal convictions and what you feel lead to do. With advertising I believe it fits some of my strengths. My five strengths are Developer, Input, Consistency, Empathy, and Responsibility. With the Developer strength if I was project manager I could see myself encouraging the others over the small steps we have made that make us that much closer to our goal. â€Å"Choose classes with a field-studies component that involves working with people. This will provide an opportunity to see tangible growth experiences of others and observe how what you learn can be used†(Strengths). My responsibility strength will help me do things in a timely manner and allow me to turn my work in on time and done in a way that would make me proud. The definition given by Gallup Strengths Finder for Responsibility is – â€Å"Your Responsibility theme forces you to take psychological ownership for anything you commit to, and whether large or small, you feel emotionally bound to follow it through to completion. Your good name depends on it. I f for some reason you cannot deliver, you automatically start to look for ways to make it up to the other person. Apologies are not enough. Excuses and rationalizations are totally unacceptable. You will not quite be able to live with yourself until you have made restitution. This conscientiousness, this near obsession for doing things right, and your impeccable ethics, combine to create your reputation: utterly dependable. When assigning new responsibilities, people will look to you first because they know it will get done. When people come to you for help- and they soon will- you must be selective. Your willingness to volunteer may sometimes lead you to take on more than you should†(Strengths).With my consistency theme would come my hope to work for a none profit organization. I hate seeing injustice and to be able to use this strength to the fullest would be my biggest dream come true. Especially if I can influence others to hear and see the injustice caused by what is going on and that we can change it. The strength of empathy will help me voice the emotions of the people I am trying to reach. By advertising I am trying to make their lives that much better by using my commercials or flyers to make them aware and help them with their everyday life. The input theme would be very useful. I can use the random tidbits of information that I have stored up and put them on a broacher and use the cutting edge knowledge effectively and not letting it go to waste. I will give my customers exactly the information that they want and need because of my ability to gather it. Advertising has always interested me. I find it interesting that a field that is not really paid attention to can be so important. You do not really realize how much advertising has changed our lives. I want to be part of this. That is why I am a Communications Major with an Emphasis in Advertising. I want to change the world and to do so you need to get out there and get people’s attention. That is what I plan to do. â€Å"Advertising Public Relations: Skills Talents. Careers-in-marketing. 21 Apr. 2009. Sivak, Cathy. Feature Article Advertising Everything from Soup to NutsLiterally! With so many choices, heres help on to choosing an advertising career. 21 Apr. 2009. Strengths Quest. Research Papers on To be in AdvertisingAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementThe Hockey GameThe Project Managment Office SystemHip-Hop is ArtRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andOpen Architechture a white paperPETSTEL analysis of IndiaStandardized TestingMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever Product
Friday, November 22, 2019
Bluebuck - Facts and Figures
Bluebuck - Facts and Figures Name: Bluebuck; also known as Hippotragus leucophaeus Habitat: Plains of South Africa Historical Epoch: Late Pleistocene-Modern (500,000-200 years ago) Size and Weight: Up to 10 feet long and 300-400 pounds Diet: Grass Distinguishing Characteristics: Long ears; thick neck; bluish fur; large horns on males About the Bluebuck European settlers have been blamed for countless species extinctions the world over, but in the case of the Bluebuck, the impact of western settlers may be oversold: the fact is that this large, muscular, donkey-eared antelope was well on its way to oblivion well before the first westerners arrived in South Africa in the 17th century. By then, it seems, climate change had already restricted the Bluebuck to a limited swatch of territory; up until about 10,000 years ago, shortly after the last Ice Age, this megafauna mammal was widely dispersed across the expanse of South Africa, but it gradually became restricted to about 1,000 square miles of grassland. The last confirmed Bluebuck sighting (and killing) occurred in Cape Province in 1800, and this majestic game animal hasnt been seen since. (See a slideshow of 10 Recently Extinct Game Animals) What set the Bluebuck on its slow, inexorable course toward extinction? According to the fossil evidence, this antelope prospered for the first few thousand years after the last Ice Age, then suffered a sudden decline in its population starting about 3,000 years ago (which was probably caused by the disappearance of its accustomed tasty grasses by less-edible forests and bushlands, as the climate warmed). The next deleterious event was the domestication of livestock by the original human settlers of South Africa, around 400 B.C., when overgrazing by sheep caused many Bluebuck individuals to starve. The Bluebuck may also have been targeted for its meat and pelt by these same indigenous humans, some of whom (ironically) worshiped these mammals as near-deities. The relative scarcity of the Bluebuck may help explain the confused impressions of the first European colonizers, many of whom were passing on hearsay or folk tales rather than witnessing this ungulate for themselves. To begin with, the fur of the Bluebuck wasnt technically blue; most likely, observers were fooled by its dark hide covered by thinning black hair, or it may have been its intermingled black and yellow fur that gave the Bluebuck its characteristic tint (not that these settlers really cared much about the Bluebucks color, since they were busy hunting herds relentlessly to clear land for pasture). Oddly enough, considering their meticulous treatment of other soon-to-be-extinct species, these settlers managed to preserve only four complete Bluebuck specimens, which are now on display in various museums in Europe. But enough about its extinction; what was the Bluebuck actually like? As with many antelopes, the males were bigger than the females, weighing upwards of 350 pounds and equipped with impressive, backward-curving horns that were used to compete for favor during mating season. In its overall appearance and behavior, the Blueback (Hippotragus leucophaeus) was very similar to two extant antelopes that still roam the coast of southern Africa, the Roan Antelope (H. equinus) and the Sable Antelope (H. niger). In fact, the Bluebuck was once considered a subspecies of the Roan, and was only later accorded full species status.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Discussion 1 Week 2 Apple's New Strategy Assignment
Discussion 1 Week 2 Apple's New Strategy - Assignment Example ed toward maintaining an edge in the industry is to venture outside of the iPhone product or explore potentials for changing the interface into something totally new. 2. Using Porters Five Forces Model located in Chapter 2 of your textbook, assess Apples strengths and weaknesses of each dimension of the model in comparison with those of Samsung, Apples strongest competitor. Justify your response by utilizing at least one (1) example based on customer focus. Risk of Entry: Apple’s iPhone had been identified to be a product that is imitated by other phone manufacturers. The risk of entry or imitation by competitors is strong; yet there are legal regulations that protect the product’s copyright. Rivalry Among Established Companies: Rivalry is still strong given the popularity of the iPhone. Recently, Samsung was noted to have averred that Apple was actually imitating Samsung’s Galaxy Note (Matyszczy, 2014). Power of Complement Providers: No power of complementors for Apple’s iPhone which expect all applications to be provided by Apple. Samsung has strong power of complementors where third party providers of applications add value to their products. As such, customers could prefer Samsung’s products due to the ability to access other applications in a more convenient manner. Matyszczy, C. (2014, September 13). Apples big iPhones are a big imitation, Samsung says subtly in new ad. Retrieved January 10, 2015, from c/net:
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Christian Ethics in Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Christian Ethics in Business - Research Paper Example the branch of philosophy that defines what is good for the individual and for society and establishes the nature of obligations, or duties, that people owe themselves and one another.†(2004: 31) Though the political authorities in all countries devise statutes of laws and implement them for the best interest of the society at large, which aim to strictly establish the complete code of responsibilities and relationships on the professionals while entering into communication, dealing and interaction; yet there appear several issues that have not been manifestly described and defined by law. The rule of law respects us as equals. It allows us to organize our lives, plan our futures, and resolve disputes in a rational way.†(Rule, 2008: 12) Thus, apparently these laws look comprehensive and sufficient in deciding the role, duties and rights of professionals while interacting with others in career life; even then there is an urgent need for some specific code on the basis of which the individuals could be restricted to adopt while dealing with their customers and clients as well as the public at large. However, there certainly exist some specific moral values that are other than laws, and the prevailing legal framework does not restrict the professionals to abide by these moral values. On the contrary, it is religious beliefs and ethical values that apply restrictions and limitations upon the professionals while offering their services at offices and work places. Consequently, religious beliefs vehemently lay stress upon observing of ethics in personal and professional dealings. MacFarlane has explained the decline of ethics with particular reference to occupation of law. â€Å"When we speak of the decline in â€Å"ethical†standards, we should not use the term ‘ethics’ to mean only compliance with the Ten Commandments or other standards of common, basic morality.....A lawyer can [adhere to all these requirements] and still fail to meet the standards of a true
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Black People and Story Essay Example for Free
Black People and Story Essay What is the relevance of the title in Toni Morrison’s â€Å"Recitatif? †â€Å"Recitatif†is a short story written by Toni Morrison and first published in the anthropology â€Å"Confirmation: An Anthropology of American Women†in 1983. The author creates a pioneering story about the lives of two young girls, Roberta and Twyla, living in an orphanage during a period of racial inequality. Both girls had been taken away from their mothers, one for illness and one for indiscretion. What makes this story unique is that, while the characters are clearly separated by class, neither is affirmed as African American or Caucasian. In order to address the essential social issue of that time, Toni Morrison presents five sections that span many years; the author provides a clear insight of inequality between white and black people. Moreover, with the publication of â€Å"Recitatif†, â€Å"Morrison raised issues engaging middle-class black women whose education and personal achievements create tensions within and outside of the black community†(Fultz). A considerable aspect of this story is the title of the work. â€Å"Recità °tif†is a derivation of the word â€Å"recitative†which may be defined as a spoken singing style used in opera and oratories. A now-obsolete meaning is the rhythm peculiar to any language; furthermore, this word uses the root â€Å"recite†which also has special meaning. To recite, or to tell from memory, exemplifies that the story written by Toni Morrison was from a series of memories. Both of these definitions suggest the episodic nature of this story (Kusumoto). The plot is the key to understanding the meaning of the title. There are five encounters that show what occurs when two people have contradictory memories about the same event. For example, when Twyla realizes that she and Roberta have completely different memories of a significant event, she asks, â€Å"I wouldn’t forget a thing like that. Would I? †(Bakara Bakara). Such uncertainty highlights to the main theme of the story. This instability of memory is expressed through narrative collage â€Å"Recitatif†brings together the rhythms of 2 different lives for 5 short moments that are narrated by Twyla’s voice. The story is, then, in several ways, Twylas â€Å"rà µcitatif. †The title of the story accurately conveys some changes in actual voice throughout the text; for example, when Twyla is a younger, it is obvious that the author â€Å"speaks†in a child’s voice. In some cases, it seems that this girl is too thoughtful to be the little child, but the author conveys her voice in such a way that there is no doubt that she is. The sing song voice applies to the narrator as well as to the nature of other characters in the story. Radical changes are visible during Robertas and Twylas meetings; moreover, the sing song nature of race is also a part of the character’s makeup. Each of them shows clues that may be interpreted as rà µpresenting a black or white race. That is why readers try to compare the various aspects of the story in order to identify the race it characterizes. This story develops like acts in an opera, presenting its characters at different points in life. Here is an interesting fact: the voice of the narrator grows with its character much as children grow throughout their life. The title describes Morrison’s prose narrative and provides that the use of â€Å"gaps†is an integral part of this story. They are left out purposely by the author so they can be filled in by readers. In the first lines of the story it may seems that â€Å"Recitatif†tells a simple story about the interactions of two girls. Toni Morrison divided this short story into five encounters which describe the ongoing narrative events from the lives of these two women. These interludes imitate the spoken singing style and narrative of the Morrison story implied by its title. The term â€Å"gaps†is suitable for this story because each encounter is separated by long periods of time that leave the reader guessing; as an example, Roberta’s reference to Jimi Hendrix at the meeting in the Hà ¾ward Jà ¾hnsons. Before the reference, readers are certainly unsure of the time period of this meeting, but with the mention of this famous pop star, everyone can fill in the gap and realize this part of the story takes place in the 1960s. In conclusion, it can be said that the title of Toni Morrisons story plays an essential role in the story. It accurately conveys the style of writing and the use of different techniques throughout the story. Works cited: Bakara, Imamu Amiri, and Amina Bakara. Confirmation: An Anthology of African American Women. 1st ed. Morrow, 1983. Print. Fultz, Lucille P. Toni Morrison: Playing With Difference. University of Illinois Press, 2003. Print. Kusumoto, Jitsuko. Memories of the Daughters from â€Å"Recitatif†to Beloved. . 21-24, 2008. Web. 26 Feb 2013. .
Thursday, November 14, 2019
personal narrative Essay -- essays research papers
The Gift After what seemed like an eternity of rigorous tests and dealing with the painful longing of wanting to hold a precious baby of my own in my arms, it happened; my dreams at long last came true. I was pregnant! But something happened; I felt my world come crashing down. The thought of bringing another life into this world terrified me. After marriage, my husband and I immediately wanted to start a family. A year or so went by and still nothing, no baby. I decided to check myself out to see if anything was wrong. I went through all the normal tests to see if there were any problems. The doctors couldn’t find any concrete explanation why I wasn’t able to conceive. As a last resource, before getting into more invasive measures, my doctor wanted me to try a fertility pill called Clomid. Figuring I didn’t have anything to loose, I started taking the pills. A few months after taking Clomid, I realized I was feeling a bit strange. I was more tired then I normally felt. I decided to take a pregnancy test. Assuming I was going to get the same negative result, I take the test, walk away and gather my thoughts. Hoping and praying for a different outcome that I had become accustomed to. I walked back to read the results. Expecting to see a negative test, I stare at the test in disbelief. Two pink lines! I blink my eyes to make sure I am not seeing things, it was true. A positive pregnancy test, some...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Environmental Factors
Environmental Factors Heidi Wallen HSM/220 March 21, 2013 Environmental Factors The four external environmental factors are: economic factors, sociological factors, technological factors, and political and professional factors. The six internal factors are: organizational purpose, mission, and philosophy, Organizational planning, Organizational operations, Human resources, Technological resources, financial resources.Economic factors including knowing what financial resources the company has and where funding is coming from weather it is government funds, donated funds, fees for service, or other agency income. Sociological factors include understanding community demographic both in terms of client and community. Understand the makeup in terms of income, education, gender, age, and other demographic factors. Technological factors for human service agencies can understand how to use the equipment such as computer hardware and software as well as new treatment approaches.Political/prof essional factors include knowing laws and regulations from federal, state and local levels as well as a political climate, or the attitudes of community and local leaders and the general public towards the services provided. Professional factors in human services include being aware of licensing and certification standards; and staying in good working relations with these agencies. When looking at all four of the factors it is heard to say what would be the most important.They all have good value, but if I had to I would say that Sociological factors seem to be very important. One needs to know the people that you are going to help each and every day. To make sure that you are able to give them the help that they may need. Organizational Purpose is to have the understanding of a mission statement and a vision that is intended to provide the logic and the organizing theme . human service agency believes in what it hopes to achieve and what services they will provide to achieve its mi ssion and the vision, goals that were set.Organizational planning is having a strategy and plan to identify were the organization ideally would like to be in a time frame such as five or more years. This takes some brainstorming and looking at available data so they are able to project future needs. Organizational Operations requires regular review and examination of the programs and services offered to make sure that performance is measuring up to expectations. Human Resources refer to the many functions that are involved in the supervision and management of the organization’s employees and volunteers.Staff requires a working knowledge of human resources law. Technological Resources can include support and consulting services, computer resources, financial management expertise, marketing and public relations expertise, and other technologies that may be used to support the work of the organization. Financial Resources requires a careful examination of budget documents to det ermine where the funding is coming from and what obligations the agency assumes in accepting funding from each of the various sources.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Regeneration and Delusion
Explore how Pat Barker portrays the theme of escape in Regeneration and explain what this tells you about the effects of war. â€Å"In peace, children inter their parents; War violates the order of nature and causes parents to inter their children. ††Herodotus (484BC – 430BC) Regeneration is a novel that tells the story of soldiers of World War One sent to an asylum due to emotional tribulation. Regeneration connects as a â€Å"back door into the present†, particularly with the theme of escape; and Barker chooses to portray this through her faction novel.Inveterate indications of escape throughout the novel are masculation, sex, death and a sense of reality. It is genuinely hard to be sure what the majority of people in Britain knew about the war and battles like the Somme from the media of the day. The newspapers and their reporters offered a wide range of styles and opinions – as they still do – but often walked a difficult line between pa triotic support for the war and a desire to convey its terrible nature. An extensive atmosphere of patriotism was generated by insincere information such as the propaganda.The media were supercilious, dehumanising the Germans to attract more soldiers, promising them that they would gain rare pportunities such as travel. Men, as well as women, were disillusioned. The reality of war was distorted and no longer became a heroic affair. Sassoon may be disillusioned when he mentions that this war may have been Justified â€Å"†¦ when it started†¦ †(Pg. 13). The authenticity of world war one was erroneous to the world surrounding the war. What the world saw was a picture that was glorified by the continuous mendaciousness made by the government and the commanding officers themselves.In Regeneration the reader is presented with Sassoon's ‘Soldier's Declaration' (Pg. 3) written in July 1917 to declare that the war is futile. Sassoon's declaration, a â€Å"wilful defi ance of military authority', clearly and logically states his decision to stop fghting as a soldier in world war one and clearly paints a vision of escape in the readers minds. He believes that the purpose of war has changed; what was once a war of liberation and defence has become one of aggression. This is a historical document and is one that was not suppressed merely due to the fact that Sassoon was a commanding officer.Because he was a commanding officer his document truly revealed the ways his beliefs got him to escape the war but make a trong argument too.. In Regeneration mental escape is the only way to relieve yourself of the war for a second until the next gunfire, the next shell blows or the next person comes into your care. Burns is a character who seems to be incapable of escaping his mental trauma caused by the war. He would tell you that the images of dying men and being ‘inside the stomach of a half blown German soldier' (Pg. 19) with the stench of rotting inn ards devouring your nostrils would scar you mentally. eing wedged into a hole; and the heroic adventure was not nearly as heroic as the oldiers would have hoped for, Barker represented this through the struggle of men being sent to Craiglockhart and still never escaping the trenches as victims were immune to normal human life and trench life was still attached to their lives. The verisimilitudes of the characters of this novel conform to our sense of reality. Barker uses unadorned dialect and language which was not used at the time to maintain a sense of veracity. It seems as though every character has a need to escape and Barker presents us with this idea through her language.Barker changes her use of language by changing the tmosphere and stripping away the dialogue, to romantic and poetic. She does this to remind us that Sassoon is sensitive and has a poetic side to him and this makes the reader feel closer to him, particularly when Graves identifies him as â€Å"Sass.. †A technique in which Barker depicts escape is bird imagery. This could be linked with religion in a way that white doves were a major symbol in Christianity and were symbolic of freedom and peace. Just the idea of birds makes the reader wonder about how they fly so freely and Burns manages to grab hold of this by â€Å"drifting off to sleep†(Pg. ) He is entering a dreamful state in which â€Å"he could stay there forever†. His dream reminds the reader of the preciousness of escape â€Å"A shaft of sunlight filtered through the leaves (†¦ ) shone sapphire, emerald, and amethyst. †This is proof that he can in fact escape in his dream world. This shaft of light filtering through the leaves could be perceived as a motion of escape; Barker is hinting a glimmer of escape but not fully letting the light shine through representing the mental state of Burns. There is also a sense of escape though bird imagery again when Rivers is â€Å"under the spell of flickeri ng birds†(Pg. ) however this is in a different light. With Burns, his sense of escape was in a dreamful manner but with Prior's suffocation, the bird imagery sheds a new light, one of no escape. Even though Prior is out of war, his own problems still bother him and this shows that escape is Just an illusion. Another way Barker chooses to portray momentary escape is through the theme of sex and death. She chooses to depict her use of this type of escape through her creation of a character; Prior and her fairly new character, Sarah Lumb.Barker uses sensual language in the graveyard scene which is highly contrasting the general etting; sex in the midst of death. Generally, you are not meant to have this kind of interaction in such a holy place, this was a sign of disrespect. Barker could perhaps be commenting on how the war shook people's religious views. Living through the war and being surrounded by death must have changed people's views and no wonder attitudes towards sex cha nged as it was for some if only means of comfort and life affirmation. as Barker is subtly suggesting.However, the life ofa chick consists of living and dying in the hands of humans and this resembles the scene of the war; men were orn, sent to war, and slaughtered in the hands of human beings. It almost seems as though Barker is using allegory to describe the process of a hatching chick which ironically resemble the lives of the soldiers. (Pg. 1 52) â€Å"He remembered them struggling out of the eggs (†¦ ) curiously powerful (†¦ ) now the same chicks were scruffy, bedraggled things running in the coops. †Rivers escapes the environment of Craiglockhart however he doesn't escape his patients.He writes to â€Å"David Burns†which shows what a caring fgure he is. He also begins to address Burns as ‘David' and this shows how the relationship between hem is progressing. The perspective of escape changes when a female is finally given the opportunity to want to escape: Sarah Lumb. Barker being the omniscient narrator finally allows the reader to see how Sarah really feels. She needs to escape as she â€Å"began to feel distinctly green and hairy'. (Pg. 159) because the state of the men were too hard to handle.The irony of this is that men harmed man, but couldn't handle the sight of their destruction. Earlier Barker presented us with Sassoon's resentment towards the older generation for seeing the war as glory, and now Sarah Lumb also feels a sense of anger as â€Å"she trode on through the heat, not caring where she was going, furious with herself, the war†¦ everything†. She is angry at the country for sending all of these men to war as is Prior and this could represent a link between how men and women felt the same about war if you had been one of the very many to experience it.In a reader's perspective, this also shows and agreement between social class differences as Prior and Sarah are both of different class and shar e the same resentment which shows an escape of the social barrier and some sort of relief of the war. Herodotus' quote at the beginning sums up that in war there's no escape, you get hrown into a war torn asylum and spend the rest of your life, if any, trying to escape, through writing, through poetry, through art, Just like Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon.However there was a chance of escape if you were seriously injured, and even then you were seen as a shirker and a failure and never mentally escaped the torture of war. Propaganda lead to young boys wanting to go to the war to fght for their country, meaning the children did in fact inter their parents, and once theyd lived the reality and managed to get away and go home, their parents did inter their hildren. Older generations that didn't experience war saw it more as a playground of little toy soldiers they could fling around making it seem a lot more calm and fun than it actually was, but the reality was quite different.Men became so lonely in the trenches and at the hospitals that any kind of physical contact from women became precious and in Priors case, the feeling of war was â€Å"like sex†and euphoria. His escape was Sarah, and many other men would find sex through prostitutes and this shows through death; even then their souls would not be at peace and fully escaped as the ar would go on, but as one soldier departed the battle grounds, a new recruit would be put in his place allured by the propaganda and media.This displays a cycle of curtailed escape. There was no real escape in war as the pattern of death and new recruitment followed the cycle of life and even though this shows a great level of patriotism, futility is the only word to describe war. Bibliography Barker, Pat – Regeneration (England, 1991. Viking) Reusch, Wera – ‘A backdoor into the present' an interview with Pat Barker, Germany. Lolapress (Translated from German) Nixon, Rob – An Interview with Pat Barker (England, February, 1992)
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Prenatal Yoga for Women Health
Prenatal Yoga for Women Health A natural, safe and simple way of pregnant women maintaining their health is by engaging in yoga exercises. Yoga prepares pregnant mothers and fetus for easy uncomplicated birth process.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Prenatal Yoga for Women Health specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It relieves stress and brings peace and harmony not only to the pregnant women, but to all family members. Yoga is one of methods guaranteeing pregnant women a healthier lifestyle, and pregnant mother’s body alignment in order to enhance healthier pregnancy and delivery process. Yoga provides means and techniques to relax. Yoga also improves breathing during labor and in the entire pregnancy. It relaxes body muscles thus alleviating lower and upper back pains. Pregnant women should practice yoga with an experienced yoga teacher. The latter ensures that pregnant women’s parameters remain at optimum in all pregnancy st ages. Initially, before commencing on yoga exercises it is important for any pregnant woman to inquire which poses are suitable for her depending pregnancy stage. It is important to determine if pregnant woman has complications such as cardiovascular diseases which should be dealt with carefully. It is crucial for pregnant woman to avoid strenuous, belly twisting, inverted and belly compressing poses. One should not attempt to hold or retain breath during the exercises. Additionally, pregnant women should avoid poses which are uncomfortable and exercise moderate not to an extent of extreme fatigue (Health and, 2011). There are various complications associated with pregnancy. Back pain is a complication common during pregnancy. It is rampant in third pregnancy trimester. Back pain is caused by shift in pregnant mother’s center of gravity. Edema is another complication during pregnancy. It is due to compression of pelvic veins and inferior venacava by the uterus. Compr ession of pelvic veins and inferior venacava leads to increase in lower limb’s hydrostatic pressure. Carpel tunnel syndrome is a pregnancy complication which results due to edema in the lower limbs.Advertising Looking for research paper on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Gastro-esophageal reflux disease is a common complication during pregnancy. It is caused by lower esophageal sphincter muscle relaxation during pregnancy. Additionally, prolonged time for transit in stomach causes gastro-esophageal reflux disease. Other common complications in pregnancy include hemorrhoids which are caused by high venous pressure. Also, lower abdominal pain is another complication during pregnancy that is caused by stretching of ligaments and uterus expansion (Tran, 2001). There are yoga poses that best suits the above complications. Back pain in pregnancy can be resolved by poses such as kati chakrasan also known as waist rotating pose. Thunderbolt pose (vajransan), bhadrasan and gracious pose flapping fish pose (matsya kridasan) are effective in alleviating gastro-esophageal reflux disease (Yoga Journal, 2011). Sleeping abdominal stretch pose (sputa udarakarshanasan), and flapping fish pose (matsya krid asan) are effective in preventing constipation during pregnancy while half butterfly pose (ardha titali asan) is helpful in alleviating edema in during pregnancy. Other poses which alleviate edema include full butterfly pose also known as poorna titali asan, and churning the mill pose (chakki chalanasan). Different types of yoga poses are recommended for each semester of pregnancy. In the first pregnancy trimester the recommended yoga poses include half butterfly. It is also known as ardha titali asan. It aims at facilitating fast delivery progress and relaxing knee and hip joints. Full butterfly pose also known as poorna titali asan is helpful in first trimester. It relieves legs fati gue and contributes to muscle relaxation. Sleeping abdominal stretch pose (sputa udarakarshanAsan) aims at facilitating digestion and alleviating constipation. Also, it relieves spinal tension. Churning mill pose (chakki chalan asan) improves pelvis muscles and nerve tone. Kashta takshan asan also known as chopping wood pose is important in improving pelvic muscles and nerves tone. Cat stretch pose (marjari asan) boosts spine, neck and shoulder flexibility. Kati chakras also known as waist rotating pose improves hips, back and waist tone. Tadasan or palm tree pose improves mental and physical balance (Health and, 2011). The recommended second trimester poses include flapping fish pose. It is also known as matsya kridasan. This pose is beneficial in improving digestion and alleviating constipation. Thunderbolt pose (vajransan) improves pregnant women’s digestion especially after meals.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Prenatal Yoga fo r Women Health specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Bhadrasan also known as gracious pose serves same purpose as vajransan. Cat stretch pose is recommended in the second trimester of pregnancy. It facilitates spine, neck and shoulder movement. Utthanasan also known as squat and rise pose is essential for thigh, ankle and uterus muscle firming. Spinal bend pose (meru akarshanasan) easies abdominal, hamstrings and thigh muscles (Health and, 2011). In third trimester the poses recommended include ankle crank pose that is important in facilitating blood circulation in lower limbs. Half butterfly pose is also known as ardha titali asan. It is aimed at facilitating fast delivery progress and relaxing knee and hip joints. Full butterfly pose is also known as poorna titali asan that is helpful in first trimester. It relieves legs fatigue and contributes to muscle relaxation. Sleeping abdominal stretch pose (sputa udarakarshanasan) aims at facil itating digestion and alleviating constipation. Also, sleeping abdominal stretch pose relieves spinal tension (Health and, 2011). References Health and Yoga and pregnancy. (2011). Retrieved from Tran, M. (2001). Effects of yoga practice on the health related aspects of physical fitness. Prev Cardiol, 4 (4), 165-170. Yoga Journal: Pregnancy modification for experienced students. (2011). Retrieved from
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Chinese Funeral Traditions and Preparation
Chinese Funeral Traditions and Preparation While Chinese funeral traditions vary depending on where the deceased person and his or her family are from, some basic traditions still apply. Funeral Preparation The job of coordinating and preparing Chinese funerals falls on the children or younger family members of the deceased person. It is part of the Confucian principle of filial piety and devotion to one’s parents. Family members must consult the Chinese Almanac to determine the best date to hold the Chinese funeral ceremony. Funeral homes and local temples help the family prepare the body and coordinate the funeral rites. Announcements of the funeral are sent in the form of invitations. For most Chinese funerals, the invitations are white. If the person was age 80 or older, then the invitations are pink. Living until 80 or beyond is considered a feat worth celebrating and mourners should celebrate the person’s longevity rather than mourn. The invitation includes information about the funeral’s date, time, and location, as well as a small obituary that includes information about the deceased that may include his or her birth date, date of death, age, family members that survived them and sometimes how the person died. The invitation may also include a family tree. A phone call or in-person invitation may precede the paper invitation. Either way, an RSVP is expected. If a guest cannot attend the funeral, the tradition is that he or she sends flowers and a white envelope with money. Chinese Funeral Attire Guests at a Chinese funeral wear somber colors like black. Bright and colorful clothing, especially red, must be avoided as these colors are associated with happiness. White is acceptable and, if the deceased was 80 or above, white with pink or red is acceptable as the event is cause for celebration. The deceased person wears a white robe. The Wake There is often a wake preceding the funeral that may last several days. Family members are expected to keep an overnight vigil for at least one night in which the person’s picture, flowers, and candles are placed on the body and the family sits near by. During the wake, family and friends bring flowers, which are elaborate wreaths that include banners with couplets written on them, and white envelopes filled with cash. Traditional Chinese funeral flowers are white. The white envelopes are similar to red envelopes that are given at weddings. White is the color reserved for death in Chinese culture. The amount of money put in the envelope varies depending on the relationship to the deceased but must be in odd numbers. The money is meant to help the family pay for the funeral. If the deceased person was employed, his or her company is often expected to send a large flower wreath and a sizable monetary contribution. The Funeral At the funeral, the family will burn joss paper (or spirit paper) to ensure their loved one has a safe journey to the netherworld. Fake paper money and miniature items like cars, houses, and televisions are burned. These items are sometimes associated with the loved ones interests and are believed to follow them into the afterlife. This way they have everything they need when they enter the spirit world. A eulogy may be given and, if the person was religious, prayers may also be said. The family will distribute to guests red envelopes with a coin inside to ensure they return home safely. The family may also give guests a piece of candy that must be consumed that day and before going home. A handkerchief may also be given. The envelope with coin, sweet, and handkerchief should not be taken home. One final item, a piece of red thread, may be given. The red threads should be taken home and tied to the front doorknobs of the guests’ homes to keep evil spirits away. After the Funeral After the funeral ceremony, a funeral procession to the cemetery or crematorium is held. A hired band resembling a marching band typically leads the procession and plays loud music to frighten spirits and ghosts. The family wears mourning clothes and walks behind the band. Following the family is the hearse or sedan containing the coffin. It is typically adorned with a large portrait of the deceased hanging on the windshield. Friends and associates complete the procession. The size of the procession depends on the wealth of the deceased and his or her family. The sons and daughters wear black and white mourning clothes and walk in the front row of the procession. Daughters-in-law come next and also wear black and white clothes. Grandsons and granddaughters wear blue mourning clothes. Professional mourners who are paid to wail and cry are often hired to fill up the procession. Depending on their personal preference, Chinese are either buried or cremated. At a minimum, families make an annual visit to the gravesite on the Qing Ming or Tomb Sweeping Festival. Mourners will wear a cloth band on their arms to show that they are in a period of mourning. If the deceased is a man, the band goes on the left sleeve. If the deceased is a woman, the band is pinned to the right sleeve. The mourning band is worn for the duration of the mourning period which can last 49 to 100 days. Mourners also wear somber clothes. Bright and colorful clothes are avoided during the mourning period.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Ah Leon's Memories of a Classroom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Ah Leon's Memories of a Classroom - Essay Example This essay compares and contrasts two divergent forms of art -- Ah Leon’s ‘Memories of Elementary School’ and James Siena’s exhibit ‘Compare, Contrast, Connect’ – in terms of emotional appeal, form, and theme. While Ah Leon’s ‘Memories of Elementary School’ and James Siena’s ‘Compare, Contrast, Connect’ are ostensibly divergent forms of artistic expression, there are a number of comparative aspects in terms of emotional appeal. Leon’s exhibit is a conceptual piece that recreates an elementary school setting; conversely, Siena’s exhibit contains four etchings with juxtaposed images and colors. In terms of emotional appeal, Leon’s work harkens back to memories of childhood and the process of education. This is contrasted with Siena’s work that is more highly abstract, as it depicts vague exploratory images. In these regards, Siena’s work plays more on direct and int uitive emotions through its elaborate color design and vivid imagery. Still, it’s clear that both images share some emotional qualities. In these regards, they are both clearly concerned with challenging intellectual quandaries. Although Leon’s work contains emotional nostalgia, and Siena’s direct emotional appeal, there is also a removed sort of intellectualism inherent in both works. Another prominent consideration in terms of these works of art is their form. Within this context of understanding, the works perhaps demonstrate their most divergent qualities. The first consideration in these regards is Leon’s ‘Memories of an Elementary School’ as noted above this is broadly characterized through its depiction of seats and chairs of a Taiwanese elementary school. Within this work there is strong regimentation as well as etchings in the desks that further add expressionistic details to the art. In terms of categorical form, Ah Leon’s wo rk clearly falls under what has been termed conceptual art. In these regards, the art form but questions the nature of art, as well as expresses meaning. This aspect of form can be contrasted from Siena’s ‘Compare, Contrast, Connect’. This exhibit can be categorically placed within the context of the abstract art movement and is divergent from Leon’s work in these regards. Indeed, Siena has frequently been characterized for his work in abstraction ("Harlan & weaver," 2010). The work functions less as a self-reflexive question on the nature of artistic expression and more of in terms of the artist’s personal vision. Still, both forms make demands on the viewer as they force them to consider subtle undertones. In Siena’s work this emerges as the viewer is asked to consider the juxtaposition of the four etchings. Ultimately, both forms are on opposing artistic spectrums. A final consideration of these artistic works is in terms of theme. While t hese works seemingly exemplify divergent thematic structures, it’s possible to find similar thematic elements. One of the most notable thematic elements of Leon’s work is his exploration of the rigidity of Taiwanese education. Within this thematic concern is clearly Leon’s characteristic exploration of scale. Indeed, it’s been said of Leon’s other work that, â€Å"The effect of Ah Leon's obsession with scale here is not simply to stun viewers but to move them" (Chung 2000). While Siena’s work lacks a thematic investigation of scale, it does explore a similar mode of personal expression. In these regards
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