Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Telephone TV Cable Television essays
Phone TV Cable Television papers In this day and age the limits of data innovation are being driven further and further each day. With Local Area Networks crossing into WorldWide Area Networks and globalization happening to each private venture with an association with the Internet the requirement for options is developing. Innovation and equipment are expanding quicker than individuals with the aptitudes to help them are. With this the approaches to associate and venture into the Internet are improving just as the speed of associations. There are numerous approaches to obtain entrance onto the present Internet and talked about here will be three normal ways, for example, the modem, the link modem and Microsoft's WebTV. These three depict speak to the amateur, the middle of the road, and the progressed. One of the most well-known approaches to associate with the Internet is the modem or the dial-up connector. It is the most common of the three and was one of the principal bits of equipment used to interface with the Internet. The modem is fundamentally the same as a phone where the PC when educated will dial up a phone number given to you by your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and set up an association among you and your supplier permitting you access to the Internet. The modem has made a few advances from it's underlying stages and had figured out how to speed up, ordinarily utilized when perusing and it's transferring speeds utilized all the more regularly when sending Email. As of now the modem is arriving at it's zenith as paces are reached at around 56 Kilobytes for every subsequent which is for download just and the transfers are at a progressively unobtrusive 28.8K or 33.6K. Shockingly top speeds in the United States will be at first constrained to 53K due to FCC guidelines. The FCC doesn't really restrain modem speeds rather it restricts the measure of intensity that can be sent through the telephone line. So as to forestall impedance with other electrical gadgets the FCC places impediments not on the modem yet on the server equipmen... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Female representation in computer games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Female portrayal in PC games - Essay Example The exposition Female portrayal in PC games finds the Images of Women in Computer Based Gaming. The game World of Warcraft permits the player to make their own portrayal, yet the greater part of the females and guys have sexualized portrayals that connect with the client in genuine externalization of the human structure. In a conversation of the hypotheses proposed by John Berger, the nature of the buyer to workmanship can be seen through the assessment of the craftsmanship and symbolism that has been created in the gaming scene. The idea of gaming is to such an extent that it makes an elective space in which female and male generalization is locked in so that not exclusively is the idea of the human moved into an alternate space, the moves that are made as portrayals of gallant are put inside the sexual dream space. Pictures that are utilized for gaming are portrayals of contemporary craftsmanship, made through various mediums utilized for various purposes. A large portion of it is made through PC age, however there is a lot of craftsmanship that is done through the customary mechanism of canvas and brush with either oils or acrylics. These pieces are utilized for special worth, in spite of the fact that PC age of pictures has progressed to where masterfully rendered work is fundamentally the same as that which used to require canvas and paint. For instance, Fig.1, Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 are a female and male characters from World of Warcraft, rendered imaginatively as an emotive piece which is planned. to draw in the customer by making envy. Berger talks about the job of jealousy in charm, the nature of employing the purchaser with characteristics of an authentic figure that can never be accomplished, in this way keeping up a desirous association which is never moved to the customer. La Grange summarizes Berger and states that â€Å"The envision themselves changed by purchasing the item and jealousy this changed self. In actuality, the exposure picture has brough t down the spectators’ confidence and offers it back in the event that they purchase the product†(8). Gaming actually offers the experience of turning into the fortunate figure, the purchaser ready to control the activities of the character, accomplishing objectives and outlining all necessary plans through that picture. Berger talks about the manner by which the character and oneself are intertwined with the idea of proprietorship and jealousy. In claiming a thing, the ideal impact is to have become the portrayal of how that thing makes the character of oneself. In possessing something, there will never be a result of genuine bliss, yet a development towards securing the following thing. La Grange expresses that Berger suggested that â€Å"The individual is caught between what he is and what he might want to be†(9). In picking what to purchase, the individual tries to discover bliss, but since satisfaction can't be accomplished by the procurement, the individu al is basically feeble. Somehow or another, gaming fills this hole as the control of the picture that has been picked turns into an augmentation of oneself, the individual put inside the space of the game as that picture and getting through the decisions that are made about the activities of the picture. La Grange clarifies the connections of the responsibility for as it is applicable to the character. She expresses that through Berger, it tends to be seen that â€Å"oil painting praised private property; it communicated the possibility that you are what you haveâ€
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
12 Fantastic Mythical Creatures from Literature
12 Fantastic Mythical Creatures from Literature Whether you are planning to write the next great fantasy novel or simply interested in mythical creatures from literature, here are 12 legendary beingsâ€"from banshees to gnomes to mermaidsâ€"authors have used from the very beginnings of storytelling tradition.Gnomes throughout literature have been known to be Earth elementals who possessed magical qualities. Photo by Craig McLachlan on Unsplash.BansheeThe Banshee is a Celtic mythological creature (known as the Bean Sidhe to the Irish and the Ban Sith to the Scots). The name means woman of the fairies, and she is known by her mournful screaming, wailing, or lamentation to foretell the death of a family member.She shows up in literature as far back as 1380, in Cathreim Thoirdhealbhaigh (Triumphs of Torlough) by Sean mac Craith. There are also several mentions of these creatures found in old Norman literature. A more modern take on the ancient banshee is when the boggart attempts to scare Seamus Finnegan in Harry Potter and the Prisone r of Azkaban.CyclopsThe word Cyclops is Greek for round eye, and is found throughout much of Greek literature, including the works of Homer. In his works, in particular, the Cyclopes (plural for Cyclops) were cannibal creatures, and there is one episode in the Odyssey where Odysseus barely escapes death at the hand of the Cyclops Polyphemus.Hesiod, the Greek poet who wrote between 750 and 650 BC, around the same time as Homer, also wrote about the Cyclopes. In particular, he wrote about the three sons of Uranus and Gaeaâ€"Arges, Brontes, and Steropes (Bright, Thunderer, Lightener)â€"who were responsible for forging the thunderbolts of Zeus.Additionally, playwright Euripides wrote a play entitled Cyclops, detailing Odysseus encounter with Polyphemus, although his plays were mostly 5th-Century works.DragonDragons are spread throughout literature the way jelly is spread onto peanut butter. The two go together perfectly, especially for genres like fantasy. This large, serpentine, fire-b reathing legend appears in folklore across many regions of the world and their depiction can vary largely by region. For example, western folklore and legends depict dragons as winged, horned, and able to breathe fire. Eastern folklore, however, depicts the creatures as wingless, with great intelligence and cunning.These creatures have appeared in ancient Mesopotamian art and literature, along with Indo-European and Near Eastern literature. The earliest attested reports of draconic creatures resemble giant snakes. Draconic creatures are first described in the mythologies of the ancient Near East and appear in ancient Mesopotamian art and literature. There are the muÅ¡?uÅ¡Å¡u of ancient Mesopotamia; Apep in Egyptian mythology; Python, Ladon, Wyvern, and the Lernaean Hydra in Greek mythology; Jörmungandr, NÃðhöggr, and Fafnir in Norse mythology; and of course, the dragon from Beowulf.In more modern literature, we see dragons in The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, the Harry Potter seri es by J. K. Rowling, and A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin.FairiesA fairy (also called fay, fae, fair folk, faery, faerie) is a creature whose origins are mostly in European folklore. Different cultural interpretations have abounded, but most saw fairies as spirits of the dead or as elementals. In general, they had human-like features but were extremely small and possessing magical powers and a tendency to enjoy trickery.These creatures are often seen throughout Renaissance literature and Romantic art, especially in the United Kingdom during the Victorian and Edwardian eras. Some of the more well-known works including fairiesâ€"from ancient literature to modern-day novelsâ€"include A Midsummer Nights Dream by William Shakespeare, Peter Pan by J.M. Barrie, Le Morte DArthur by Sir Thomas Mallory, the Oz series by L. Frank Baum, Cinderella by Charles Perrault, and the Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer.GnomeGnomes were first introduced by Paracelsus in the 16th century but later became a staple of the fantasy genre. These small, human-like creatures (classified as a diminutive spirit) were considered to be Earth elementals, with many authors having them live underground or in caves.In J. R. R. Tolkiens mythos, he uses gnomes as an initial classification but later changes it to the Noldor, who were part of his elvish races. C. S. Lewis calls his gnomes earthmen in The Chronicles of Narnia, and like the original folklore, these creatures live in a series of caverns deep in the ground. Terry Pratchett also included gnomes in his Discworld series as six-inch-tall but strong enough to hurt a human if crossed.GoblinGoblins were first seen in European folklore from the Middle Ages and have had different abilities, qualities, and appearances based on origin of the tales. Some qualities have stood the test of time in more modern literature, however, such as goblins being mischievous and greedy and have special magic powers.In literature, some form of goblin ha s been present in many cultures around the globe. For example, in South Korea, goblins, known as dokkaebi, often appear in childrens books and nursery rhymes. There is also a Japanese fairy tale called The Boy Who Drew Cats containing a Goblin. J. R. R. Tolkiens orcs and goblins in his Middle-Earth mythos were basically the same creature (or stemming from the same race), and fought on the same side in battle.GolemGolems stem from Jewish folklore and are animated anthropomorphic beings, typically created from clay or mud. In many cases, these golems were brought to life through magic and controlled by it following their animation, and had Hebrew words (like truth) inscribed on them, typically on the forehead.In some of the earliest stories such as the Talmud, Adam was created as a golem when he was formed of dust and mud and animated. During the Middle Ages, some parts of the Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Creation) were believed to help one shape and animate a golem.Other modern references to golems include Terry Pratchetts Discworld series; Michael Chabons The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier Clay; and Marge Piercys He, She and It, which has a golem featured prominently as a subplot.GriffinThe griffin (or griffon) in legend has the body, tail, and back legs of a lion; the head and wings of an eagle; and talons as its front feet. This mix of the king of the jungle and the king of the air made the griffin an incredibly powerful creature, and it has often been seen throughout legend and literature as protecting priceless treasures.In literature, griffins have been part of the stories of Flavius Philostratus in The Life of Apollonius of Tyana, Dante Alighieris Divine Comedy, John Miltons Paradise Lost, and Rick Riordans The Son of Neptune.LeprechaunA leprechaun is a type of Aos Sà in Irish folklore, which is a classification of fairy. As with other fairies, they devote much of their time to mischief of some sort and can be captured by humans, who can ask three wishes fr om the creature in exchange for freedom.Some early folklore including a leprechaun is the medieval tale Echtra Fergus mac Léti (Adventure of Fergus son of Léti). In the story, Fergus mac Léti, King of Ulster, captures leprechauns who grant him three wishes in exchange for their freedom. Other examples in literature includes the poem The Leprechaun or, Fairy Shoemaker, written by 18th century Irish poet William Allingham.MermaidMermaids have been a part of folklore and literature from many places, and are usually depicted as a creature with the upper body of a woman and the tail of a fish. The tales vary, with some having mermaids associated with shipwrecks or drownings at sea, and others showing mermaids falling in love with a human man.The most popular mermaid in literature is undoubtedly in Hans Christian Andersens The Little Mermaid. Other notable works include Oscar Wildes The Fisherman and His Soul and H.G. Wells The Sea Lady.The Little Mermaid, a statue in Copenhagen, Denma rk celebrating Hans Christian Andersons beloved tale. Photo by Jose Manuel Alonso de Caso on Unsplash.MinotaurAs part of Greek mythology, the Minotaur is a mythical creature with the head and tail of a bull and the body of a man. While there was an original character named the Minotaur, it is now used to describe a class of beings that have become popular in the fantasy genre.In literature, there is a minotaur in Dantes Inferno. The House of Asterion, a short story by Jorge Luis Borges, portrays the minotaurs own perspective. There is also a minotaur in the first Percy Jackson the Olympians book, The Lightning Thief.PhoenixThis creature from Ancient Greek folklore is a magical bird that lives for 500 years, then regenerates and can be born again. Traditionally, the phoenix rises from the ashes of its former body. Early storytellers like Herodotus, Lucan, Ovid, Shakespeare, and Isidore of Seville have used the story and motif of the phoenix often in their work.Other literary referen ces to the phoenix include C.S. Lewis The Last Battle, Edward Ormondroyds David and the Phoenix, and J. K. Rowlings Harry Potter series.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Ban of Public Smoking Essay - 1272 Words
According the Virginia Department of Health, one in every five deaths may be attributed to smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke (Smoking -Attributable Deaths in Virginia). The risk of inferior health caused by smoking in public establishments is truly intolerable. The banning of smoking in public places would benefit everybody and should be imposed everywhere because it would reduce the risk of health problems to non-smokers, reduce the number of smokers all together, and reduce the amount of valuable money tax payers spend on smoking related expenses. Tobacco has been labeled a carcinogen by the CDC, WHO, and the IARC. The hazardous byproducts from one smoked cigarette can elevate the toxin levels in a room for hours (National†¦show more content†¦Every time he wanted to smoke he would have to repeat the process. If he were to go out to a restaurant for dinner or the bar for the ball game, he could, but he’d have to leave the given establishment each time he wanted to smoke. This would cause such a disturbance in his daily functioning that he would inevitably decrease how often he smoked and possibly quit completely. Just the inconvenience of the ban alone could be the extra push needed for these people to extinguish the habit indefinitely. The ban in New York City is a prime example of how successful the bans can be. An article from WebMD, â€Å"Helps Smoking Ban NYC Stop Smoking†, states that within four years of the law being passed there was nearly quarter million less smokers in the city alone, possibly saving nearly eighty thousand lives in the long term. It seems as though many New Yorkers have quit their tobacco burdened lives. The great success of motivating smokers to quit smoking is just one of many reasons the ban of smoking in public places should be implemented. Many opponents of the ban argue that the ban infringes upon property rights. They say as a property owner they have the right to decide what legal products and actions are allowed at their establishment. The ban states that all enclosed public places must be smoke-free. The law does not prohibit smoking on the property but bans smoking inside ofShow MoreRelatedEssay on Public Smoking Ban1091 Words  | 5 Pagesexposed to secondhand smoke (Report: Ban smoking in public places). The risk of inferior health caused by smoking in public establishments is truly intolerable. The banning of smoking in public places everywhere should be imposed because it would reduce the risk of health problems of non-smokers, it could reduce the number of smokers all together, and, therefore, reduce the amount of valuable money taxpayers spend on smoking related costs. Smoking in public places should be banned because it couldRead MoreSmoking In Public Places - Is a Public Smoking Ban The Answer?1023 Words  | 5 PagesIs A Public Smoking Ban The Answer? Imagine... you come into a restaurant and are seated in the smoking area, you chose to sit in this area even though you dont smoke and you know the smoke bothers you. A smoker comes in and sits down at the booth next to you and lights up. What do you do? A) Ask the waitress for another location in the non-smoking area. B) Ask the person who just lit a cigarette to kindly put it out? Or C) Get up and leave the restaurant? For many people, this isRead MoreBan Smoking On Public Beaches855 Words  | 4 PagesThe ban of smoking on public beaches in America has increased since it started in the 1970s. This is a controversial issue as not all people agree on banning smoking on public beaches, mainly smokers. People that are strongly against smoking on public beaches tend to be parents and non-smokers alike. They find it absolutely unacceptable to smoke on public beaches as they see it as an unhealthy and a harmful habit, and do not want to be around it. Apart from disapproval of n on smokers, there is otherRead MoreBans on Smoking in Public Areas1476 Words  | 6 Pagesyou get the number of people that die because of smoking each year! Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in the U.S. Each year more than 480,000 people die because of smoking. This is just one of the many reasons why I believe that cigarette smoking should be banned in public areas. I will argue this point in three ways. First, I will argue that the health effects of smoking are so harmful that cigarettes should not be allowed in public areas. Next, I will argue that the negative effectsRead MoreSmoking In Public Places - The Smoking Ban Backlash Essay1723 Words  | 7 PagesSmoking Ban Backlash Walking down Boston’s Boylston Street at the late hours of the evening, the sidewalks are crowded with smokers taking their last hauls before entering the bars for a night of drinking. Due to the smoking ban in all public work areas that has been in effect since May of 2003, restaurant and bar patrons of Boston bear the cold winter season approaching, and reminisce about the old days where it was legal to enjoy a smoke with a cocktail at a bar. In May of 2003, BostonRead MoreEssay about Smoking In Public Places - Smoking Bans550 Words  | 3 Pagesamong state and city lawmakers all over the country is the debate over whether or not smoking should be banned in public places. Many argue that allowing people to smoke in public places proposes serious health risks for innocent bystanders. Though the health risks are high, many still oppose the proposal of such laws. Business owners presiding over such establishments as bars and restaurants worry that the smoking bans will severely hurt their revenues if passed. While this is an understandable concernRead MoreA Brief Note On Public Smoking Bans And Smoking Behavior1766 Words  | 8 PagesCan Alaluf Student Number: 999021696 Referee Report on One last puff? Public smoking bans and smoking behavior Article Summary: One last puff? Public smoking bans and smoking behavior written by Anger, Kvansnicka and Sidler tries to examine how the effects of bans on public smoking influence individual smoking behavior. The authors observe the state level smoking bans that were introduced in Germany’s sixteen federal states effective on different dates in 2007 and 2008. The study shows a 2 percentageRead More A Proposal to Ban Smoking in Public Areas Essay1106 Words  | 5 PagesA Proposal to Ban Smoking in Public Areas Every year, there are over 400,000 smoking-related deaths in the United States. A large percentage of these are due to lung cancer, whose leading cause is smoking. However, not all deaths are smokers themselves. Anyone in the vicinity can fall victim to second hand smoke. These people, through no action of their own, can have their lives threatened. This problem, which plagues all Americans, should have action taken on a local scale to help protectRead MoreSmoking In Public Places - Smoking Ban in Iowa Essay564 Words  | 3 PagesNo Smoking at WIT Earlier in the year of 2008 my school stated that there would be no smoking allowed around their campus. This obviously flared up its fair share of supporters and non supporters. Some of the non supporters are asking if it is fair for the college to say what they can and cannot do in a public place. So is it ok for them to say no smoking on campus? I think they have every right to. According to Utilitarianism, when making a decision you should choose the one that results inRead MoreNationwide Smoking Ban: Smoking Should be Banned in All Public Places899 Words  | 4 Pagesthe public about its dangers in 1972 (Schick Glantz, 2005). Do people knowingly have the right to put others’ health at risk? No, they do not. Exposure to cigarette smoke is a public health risk. Therefore, smoking should be banned in all public places, nationwide. There has been no attempt to impose a national smoking ban by the U.S. government. All current bans are in place because of state and local legislation. Americans for Nonsmokers’ Rights lists the various state and local smoking laws
Monday, May 11, 2020
How to Answer Law Questions - 1520 Words
Lecturers expectations In this section, one of your lecturers - Loretta Inglis - sets out what she expects from student assignments on this topic. I expect that you will read all the information that has been given in the subject outline to help you to write the case study. There is a wealth of information there. Ideally, I expect consistent quality throughout all the sections of the report. You need to leave enough time to plan and write each section carefully. I expect that your Problem Identification section will succinctly identify problems (not just repeat case information), explain the problems using case evidence, and show how the theory relates to the problem. Possible Solutions should have clear, concise headings and include†¦show more content†¦It should be possible to read every page without undoing any fastenings. Every assignment must be clearly identified. The following details must be on the front of all assignments: Name: Student Number: Assignment Name: Subject Code/Name: Lecturer/Tutor: Due Date: Date Submitted: It is recommended that students KEEP A COPY OF ALL WORK SUBMITTED. While it is extremely rare for student work to be misplaced, it does sometimes occur. The onus is on you to prove that a piece of work was submitted. Grammar, spelling and punctuation are matters which should not be neglected. Failure to take care of these matters causes confusion and ambiguity. Ask someone to read and comment critically on your work prior to submitting it; can they understand what you are trying to say? If not, rewrite it! Problem solving case format for presentation 1. Title Page 2. Table of Contents 3. Executive Summary This section should comprise a brief overview of the case, giving a brief background and noting any important assumptions made. (You will not have all the information you would like - so you may need to make some assumptions). As well as this, you should give a synopsis of your case report, noting very briefly the major problems identified and the recommended solutions. One page is enough. 4. Problem Identification and Analysis In this section you should identify all the major problems in the case in behavioural terms, i.e. in Management/OB related terms (it is not a marketingShow MoreRelatedExam for Chapter 1 Essay1217 Words  | 5 Pages* Question 1 10 out of 10 points | | | A group of young professionals were discussing the relationship between law and business. Adam argues that law primarily benefits the owners of businesses at the expense of workers and customers, while Beth takes the opposite position - that law primarily benefits the individual employees, customers and others, at the expense of the owners of businesses. 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A country like Lebanon that has an increasing amount of tax evasion has a low productive economy and low economic growth (Mr. Alain Bifani, Mtv interview, 2013) 3.2 Purpose and research question: 3.2.1 Purpose This study aims to examine the impact of tax evasion on the economic development in Lebanon by: 1. Analyzing all causes of tax evasion in Lebanon. 2. Identifying the factors that are against collecting taxRead MoreCosts and Points Question956 Words  | 4 Pages1. Product costs used for pricing and product-mix decisions generally include: Answer | | manufacturing costs only | | | design costs plus manufacturing costs | | | all costs incurred along the value chain | | | distribution costs only | 0.1 points  Question 4  Within the relevant range, if there is a change in the level of the cost driver, then: Answer | | fixed and variable costs per unit will change | | | fixed and variable costs per unit will remain theRead MoreEssay Phi 1031724 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Ã‚ 1. Question : Mom: â€Å"You shouldn’t have soaped the Crawford’s house Tommy.† Tommy: â€Å"But Jimmy Crawford soaped our house last month.† Student Answer: Two wrongs make a right  Argument from force  Rationalization  Peer Pressure  No Fallacy  Points Received: 0 of 1  Comments: Question 2. Question : â€Å"If I give this homeless person a dollar then I’ll have to give the next guy a dollar and so forth †¦ I’ll end up broke!† StudentRead MoreLaw Enforcement And Race Relations897 Words  | 4 PagesDirector James Comey’s 2015 speech and question and answer session which focused on law enforcement and race relations, many points were made to what got us to this point and possible remedies moving forward. Comey mentioned areas of debates which includes law enforcement’s relationship with communities, appropriate use of force, and the real and perceived biases within and outside of law enforcement. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Scalar Vector Free Essays
Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with time. Velocity is a vector physical quantity; both magnitude and direction are required to define it. The length of an imaginary straight path, typically distinct from the path actually traveled by P. We will write a custom essay sample on Scalar Vector or any similar topic only for you Order Now Distance is a numerical description of how far apart objects are. In physics or everyday usage, distance may refer to a physical length, or an estimation Time in physics is defined by its measurement Formula Acceleration= change in velocity / time interval Average velocity= displacement/time Oz (square root of) squared plus y squared D=ext X=d/t Units The gal, sometimes called Galileo, (symbol Gal) The SSL unit of speed and velocity is the ratio of two -? the mutterer second. The standard unit of displacement in the International System Of Units ( SSL ) is the meter (m). Meter (m) In the International System of Units (SSL), the unit of time is the second (symbol: Examples At an amusement park, when you ride a reallocates is starts slowly, then faster, then slows down again. If you walk to a campsite 1 mile away and then jack to your start point within 1 hour: Your average speed would be: total distance/time = 2 miles/ 1 hour or 2 miles per hour How far does the earth travel in one year? In terms of distance, quite far (the circumference of the earth’s orbit is nearly one trillion meters), but in terms of displacement, not far at all (zero, actually). At the end of a year’s time the earth is right back where it started from. It hasn’t gone anywhere. How to cite Scalar Vector, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Colors by Between the Buried and Me free essay sample
Colors, the start of the epic sounds of Between the Buried and Me. The album that the band has considered to be New Wave Polka Grunge(ask them not me) would soon become my favorite album of all time. This album is also the start of longer compositions like Sun of Nothing, and White Walls. Much like the previous ones, this does have a single, that being Prequal to the Sequal, and much likw all the others, they are catchy or classics in certain ways. I know this is a concept album of sorts, but aside from the way they bleed into each other and how they all follow a demented carnivalistic music style, I dont see much else. If you can some how figure out how the stories in all tracks connect let me know in the comments below what you find. Every track on here is a masterpiece nonetheless and all would fit in my top 100, if I revised it that is. We will write a custom essay sample on Colors by Between the Buried and Me or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page From the Foam Born tracks to the epic finale of White Walls. The album is set to be one gigantic song spaning at a whopping 64 minutes in length. Prequal To the Sequal talks about the formation and destruction of the planet. White Walls is about going crazy and trying to help others in that state. And Sun of Nothing is about a person building a spaceship to kill himself on the sun, yet he survives. I love how the boys of South Carolina are writing longer, more epic compositons as well because that is basicly what I live for. Ants of the Sky, Prequal to the Sequal, White Walls, Informal Gluttony, Foam Born, Viridian, and Sun of Nothing make up the track listing for the entire album(granted its not in order at all), as an epic display of awesome. Think what happened when you listened to Dark Side of The Moon or The Wall for the first time Pink Floyd fans. You will likely see the same thing here once you listen to this album for the first time. In fact, compare Dark Side of the Moons album cover to Colors, it looks remarkably similar with the rainbow colors flying everywhere in both covers. I beg of you to check out this album one way or another. It is the exact definition of Musical Genius. 10/10
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Sentence Type Basics for English Learners
Sentence Type Basics for English Learners There are four sentence types in English: Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative and Exclamatory. Declarative: Tomll come to the meeting tomorrow. Imperative: Turn to page 232 in your science book.Interrogative: Where do you live?Exclamatory: Thats awesome! Declarative A declarative sentence declares or states a fact, arrangement or opinion. Declarative sentences can be either positive or negative. A declarative sentence ends with a period (.). Ill meet you at the train station.The sun rises in the East.He doesnt get up early. Imperative The imperative form instructs (or sometimes requests). The imperative takes no subject as you is the implied subject. The imperative form ends with either a period (.) or an exclamation point (!). Open the door.Finish your homeworkPick up that mess. Interrogative The interrogative asks a question. In the interrogative form, the auxiliary verb precedes the subject which is then followed by the main verb (i.e., Are you coming ....?). The interrogative form ends with a question mark (?). How long have you lived in France?When does the bus leave?Do you enjoy listening to classical music? Exclamatory The exclamatory form emphasizes a statement (either declarative or imperative) with an exclamation point (!). Hurry up!That sounds fantastic!I cant believe you said that! Sentence Structures Writing in English begins with the sentence. Sentences are then combined into paragraphs. Finally, paragraphs are used to write longer structures such as essays, business reports, etc.  The first sentence structure is the most common: Simple Sentences Simple sentences contain no conjunction (i.e., and, but, or, etc.). Frank ate his dinner quickly.Peter and Sue visited the museum last Saturday.Are you coming to the party? Compound Sentences Compound sentences contain two statements that are connected by a conjunction (i.e., and, but, or, etc.). Practice writing compound sentences with this compound sentence writing exercise. I wanted to come, but it was late.The company had an excellent year, so they gave everyone a bonus.I went shopping, and my wife went to her classes. Complex Sentences Complex sentences contain a dependent clause and at least one independent clause. The two clauses are connected by a subordinator (i.e, which, who, although, despite, if, since, etc.). My daughter, who was late for class, arrived shortly after the bell rang.Thats the man who bought our houseAlthough it was difficult, the class passed the test with excellent marks. Compound - Complex Sentences Compound - complex sentences contain at least one dependent clause and more than one independent clause. The clauses are connected by both conjunctions (i.e., but, so, and, etc.) and subordinators (i.e., who, because, although, etc.) John, who briefly visited last month, won the prize, and he took a short vacation.Jack forgot his friends birthday, so he sent him a card when he finally remembered.The report which Tom compiled was presented to the board, but it was rejected because it was too complex.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Heating Properties of Firewood by Tree Species
Heating Properties of Firewood by Tree Species Firewood performance can differ from species to species. The type of tree you use for burning can vary widely in heat content, burning characteristics, and overall quality. I have created a table that presents several important burning characteristics for many species used in North America. The chart ranks each tree species by its density which is a good indicator of overall heating effectiveness. Wood Characteristics Influencing Quality Heating and Ignition Density of Wood - density is the amount of space a volume or mass of firewood occupies. The denser the wood, the less space its given mass takes up and the greater a particular volume of firewood weighs. For an example, hickory is about twice as dense as aspen, so a cubic foot of hickory weighs approximately 50 pounds while a cubic foot of aspen weighs only about 25 pounds. Green Vs. Dry Wood - Firewood should be dried (seasoned) to 10% to 20% moisture content for best burning performance. Much of the energy generated from burning green firewood actually goes toward evaporating the water held in the wood. Green firewood only gives off about 40% of the energy of dry firewood. To get the most heat production out of your firewood, you should season it by first cutting into short log bolts. Split these bolts and stack in a dry, well-ventilated area for at least six months before burning. Available Heat by Wood Species - Available heat is a measure of the heat given off when wood is burnt and measured in million British Thermal Units. Hardwood trees give off more energy in BTUs than a comparable volume of softwood because it is denser. It should be noted that the volatile oils in some softwoods can increase the heat output of some species but only for a short time. Ease of Splitting - Wood with a straight grain is easier to split than wood with a tighter more complex grain. Knots, branches, and other defects can also increase the difficulty of splitting firewood. Remember that dry wood is generally easier to split than green wood. Ease of Igniting Firewood - Ignition ability is an important factor wood factor. Low-density wood is easier to light than denser wood. Woods with higher levels of volatile chemicals in their structure, such as conifers, will ignite and burn more readily than those with less volatile chemicals. These woods should be used to start fires where dry high-density woods will provide the heat. Definitions of Chart Terms Density - woods dry weight per unit volume. Denser or heavier wood contains more heat per volume. Note that hickory ranks at the top of the list.Green Weight - the weight in pounds of a cord of freshly cut wood before drying.mmBTUs - million British Thermal Units. The woods actual available heat measured in BTUs.Coaling - wood that forms long-lasting coals are good to use in wood stoves because they allow a fire to be carried over a longer period effectively. Wood Heating Values Chart Common Name Density-lbs/cu.ft. Pounds/cd. (green) Million BTUs/cd. Coaling Hickory 50 4,327 27.7 good Osage-orange 50 5,120 32.9 excellent Black locust 44 4,616 27.9 excellent White oak 44 5,573 29.1 excellent Red oak 41 4,888 24.6 excellent White ash 40 3,952 24.2 good Sugar maple 42 4,685 25.5 excellent Elm 35 4,456 20.0 excellent Beech 41 NA 27.5 excellent Yellow birch 42 4,312 20.8 good Black walnut 35 4,584 22.2 good Sycamore 34 5,096 19.5 good Silver maple 32 3,904 19.0 excellent Hemlock 27 NA 19.3 poor Cherry 33 3,696 20.4 excellent Cottonwood 27 4,640 15.8 good Willow 35 4,320 17.6 poor Aspen 25 NA 18.2 good Basswood 25 4,404 13.8 poor White pine 23 NA 15.9 poor Ponderosa Pine 3,600 16.2 fair Eastern Red Cedar 31 2,950 18.2 poor
Monday, February 17, 2020
Tie the Novel Frankenstein by Mery Shelly (1831) to the topic of Research Paper
Tie the Novel Frankenstein by Mery Shelly (1831) to the topic of cloning - Research Paper Example Cloning is the creation of an embryo by the method of human somatic cell nuclear transfer (Ramsey 3). This procedure involves implanting DNA cells from one organism into a 'neutral' egg. A 'neutral' egg is one in which the DNA nucleus has been removed (Ramsey 4). After implantation, the newly constituted egg is then chemically treated so that the egg begins to behave as though fertilization has occurred. This results in the creation of embryonic growth of another organism that contains the complete and identical genetic code of the original organism. By learning more about the genetic code and how it works, scientists are hopeful that they can begin to breed out some of our more fallible weaknesses and breed in stronger codes. All of these conjectures can be said to have started with the introduction of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, a sci-fi gothic horror novel that excited the imaginations of the post-Victorian age and continues to inspire today. Like the concept of cloning emerging now during a time of unprecedented change in computer technology and the many applications this has, the Industrial Revolution brought about world-changing possibilities during Shelley's time. â€Å"By the beginning of the Victorian period, the Industrial Revolution †¦ had created profound economic and social changes, including a mass migration of workers to industrial towns, where they lived in new urban slums†(â€Å"The Victorian Age†). Advances in technology and machinery during Shelley's age touched off new scientific debate in the same way that our ability to discover things on a micron level has increased our ability to manipulate the world around us and the morals and ethics of whether we should do that. Charles Darwin’s Theory of Evolution emerged during Shelley's time as well, which threw into question many of the people's religious beliefs (Landow) in a similar way in which new technological advances in gene manipulation have made many question w hether or not we are trying to play god with human cloning. During Shelley's time, the increasingly literate public was becoming more involved in these debates because newspapers and other periodicals were more widely available to them. This, too, has a parallel to today's times as the Internet, Facebook and other media sites are linking people from far away to bring about new changes in the way we think and who is able to participate in the conversation. New media proved essential then and now in introducing and maintaining widespread discussions in the political and social issues of the day. One difference then was that fiction novels were recognized as having a voice in these discussions. â€Å"The Victorian novel, with its emphasis on the realistic portrayal of social life, represented many Victorian issues in the stories of its characters†(â€Å"The Victorian Age†). What Mary Shelley questioned most strongly in her novel remains a major question asked today: what is the proper role of the scientist in the contemporary age? In Frankenstein, the young scientist and one of the main characters is Victor Frankenstein. Frankenstein pushes technology to its outer limits because he wants to overcome death. His idea is to re-animate dead tissue. Within the book, the science of the past is criticized because it has been
Monday, February 3, 2020
How might wind or water power become at least partial, but significant Essay
How might wind or water power become at least partial, but significant solution to global energy issues - Essay Example However, in the recent times, governments have concentrated on large-scale projects to produce electricity, while ignoring many opportunities to produce hydroelectricity in small scale. Of course, there are a number of advantages for producing hydroelectricity in large scale from the larger rivers. On the other hand, tapping hydroelectricity from the smaller rivers can also provide very many advantages and would also help in supplementing energy production. This has been seen to happen in the many developing countries, where governments may not have enough funds to start and complete large projects. Almost any country has more small rivers than big rivers, and these small rivers can be used by local communities to produce energy for local use. This is unlike the traditional way in which large scale hydroelectricity is produced and then carried kilometers away from the point of production to users, who live so far from the source and may not even know how the electricity is produced. With the small scale hydroelectricity production, smaller rivers that are not seasonal can be used to produce energy for the local communities. This is especially possible and even economical for communities where the population is farming communities, which live in the countryside instead of the urban folk. The main advantage of this is that this kind of hydroelectricity is much cheaper and the local community can enjoy energy at much lower prices, probably as low as 30 percent, because they will produce the energy themselves rather than depending on a third party hydroelectricity producer. To be a ble to take advantage of this small scale hydroelectricity energy production, governments can try and make sure that the machinery used to harvest hydroelectricity are accessible in smaller capacities rather than the huge multibillion machinery, that is directed towards
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Food Safety And Security In India Environmental Sciences Essay
Food Safety And Security In India Environmental Sciences Essay Food safety is a growing concern globally. With the innovations in the processing technologies, packaging techniques, agricultural practices, and change in food habits, industry and enforcement authorities are facing new challenges every day. Currently there are more than twenty Indian laws relating to food, which are administered by a number of different Ministries and Departments. Food processors have to comply with these rules. Among the more important food laws are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Prevention of Food Adulteration Act (PFA) of 1954 and the PFA Rules of 1955. Covers specifications related to food colour, preservatives, pesticide residues, packaging and labelling, and regulation of sales. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The Standards of Weights and Measures Act, 1976, and the Standards of Weights and Measures (Packaged Commodities) Rule, 1977. Designed to establish fair trade practices with respect to packaged commodities. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The Fruit Products Order, 1955. Specifications and quality control requirements regarding the production and marketing of processed fruits and vegetables, sweetened aerated water, vinegar, and synthetic syrups. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Meat Food Products Order, 1992. Administers the permissible quantity of heavy metals, preservatives, and insecticide residues for meat products. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Milk and Milk Products Order, 1992. Regulates the production, distribution, and supply of milk products; establishes sanitary requirements for dairies, machinery, and premises; and sets quality control standards for milk and milk products. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006. In August 2006, Government of India has passed a new legislation Food Safety and Standards Act. 9.2 Food safety standards Temperature control should be maintained in Raw and cooked meat, poultry and meat products, Dairy products and foods containing dairy products, Seafood, Processed fruits and vegetables, Cooked rice and pasta, Processed foods containing eggs, beans, nuts and other protein-rich foods, foods that contain any of the above foods eg sandwiches and custard and cream filled baked goods. Generally the Standards require that potentially hazardous food is kept under temperature control which means below 5 °C and above 60 °C. Businesses need to limit the amount of time that potentially hazardous foods are kept in the danger zone à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Ëœ temperatures between 5 °C and 60 °C. Food storage During storage you must make sure that the safety and suitability of the food is kept. This means that Food must be protected from contamination; Food must be stored under correct environmental conditions e.g. lighting and humidity; Potentially hazardous food must be stored under correct temperature. (below 5 °C and above 60 °C or frozen). Food processing Only safe and suitable food is processed; Food must be protected from contamination; There are no organisms present that can cause illness when the food is ready to eat. Some processing steps have clear requirements for example: Cooking Cooling Thawing Reheating Food display Food must be protected from contamination, for example barriers, covering ready to eat foods such as cakes and muffins that are on counters and supervision. That potentially hazardous food is either kept under temperature control or time is used as the control to keep the food safe. If less than 2 hours the food must either be refrigerated or used immediately; For longer than 2 hours, but less than 4 hours, must be used immediately ; For a total of 4 hours or longer, must be thrown out. If using the 2 hour/4 hour rule the business must be able to provide evidence of the times, eg tags with times marked. Food packaging The packaging material used is safe for food; the packaging material used is not likely to contaminate the food; the food is not contaminated during the packaging process. Food transportation Businesses must make sure that food being transported is protected from contamination; and that Potentially hazardous food must be transported at the correct temperature. ( 60 °C or frozen) Health and Hygiene requirements inform the food handlers about their health and hygiene responsibilities; make sure that the food handlers do not handle food if they are unwell with an illness such as gastro, or other illnesses that can be passed on through food; provide sufficient hand washing facilities, refer to Food Safety Standards Premises and Equipment fact sheet; make sure that food handlers on the premises do not contaminate food. Food Handlers Requirements: Food handlers must do everything they can to make sure that they do not contaminate food. They must wash their hands with soap and running warm water in the hand wash basin provided and then dry them using either a paper towel or air drier. Hand washing before handling food must be done regularly and whenever there might be the risk of contaminating food. They must not behave in any way that could cause contamination of food, for example smoking in food handling areas. Food handlers must inform their supervisor if they are suffering from; diarrhoea, vomiting, a sore throat with fever, fever or jaundice, any infected skin wound or discharges from their ears, nose, or eyes as these conditions could contaminate food. Cleaning, Sanitising and Maintenance Food contact surfaces, ie- chopping boards and preparation benches, must be cleaned and sanitised regularly or in between tasks to make sure that contamination of food does not occur. This also applies to the eating and drinking utensils. Sanitising can be achieved by; using hot water (77 °C at least), using a food grade sanitiser or diluted bleach. The premises, fittings and equipment must be kept clean and in a state of good repair. Chipped, cracked or broken utensils must not be used. Garbage must not be left to build up and must be removed regularly. Food Security The broader reasons for food insecurity are many: war, poverty, population growth, environmental degradation, limited agricultural technology, ineffective policies, and disease. Natural resources base like land, water, forest and the bio-diversity being the foundations for the both food security and environmental sustainability has been irreversibly damaged owing to the increasing food demand and consequently food insecurity. 9.3 Food Standards Safety measures for Select food products: Dairy products: As far as microbiological criteria is concerned, Indian standards for dairy products are elaborate. E,g ghee, butter, skimmed milk. The possibility of contamination from heavy metals should be checked and incorporated. Also, the products which are prepared from milk, should address to pesticide residue levels, and veterinary drug contamination e.g. yoghurt and weaning food. Poultry products: Indian standards for shelled eggs are comparable to international standards. The Indian standards for chicken meat and poultry meat should address the requirements for heavy metal contamination. Meat Products: Indian standards are available for boneless meat of Bovine which takes care of microbiological contamination is silent of heavy metals. There are no specifications available for sheep meat and goat meat in India, whereas other countries have identified the heavy metal contamination. Sea foods: Mercury contamination in sea foods is a major concern internationally which has not been addressed in Indian standards .Microbiological characteristics should also be addressed. Agricultural Products: The possibility of aflatoxin content in agricultural products has been addressed in the Indian standards but is silent on heavy metals (lead, cadmium and arsenic). Majority of the codex standards compared talk about lead contamination. The standards are comparable as far as honey is concerned. Milling products: Codex standards on whole-wheat flour consider the possible contamination from heavy meats and microbes where as Indian standards give requirements for physical hazards like rodent hair etc. Edible Oils: Specifications on all types of oils as under codex consider the heavy metal contamination where as Indian standards are not addressing the same. For parameters such as peroxide value, which relates to the rancid condition of oils, Indian standards do not give quantitative specifications. Indian standards should be reviewed to such effects in the interest of public health. Fruits and vegetables: Fresh fruits: Majority of the countries has identified the allowances level for physical impurities, defects and physical contaminations. Some of the countries have given the requirement for metals with Indian additionally following the heavy metals and pesticides specification of codex. Dry fruits: Majority of the countries has identified the specifications for physical impurities and physical contaminants and physical defects. Codex has additionally identified the specifications for heavy metals. Processed fruits and vegetables: Heavy metals limits are clearly identified in Malaysian standards but PFA standards for the above mentioned products are limited to compositional requirements and physical characteristics. USA has clearly described the physical defects in case of jams, squash and jellies etc. Pickle is an item of mass consumption all over India and has various category of ingredients in it. The PFA standards refer to microbiological contamination. The heavy metal contamination is addressed only in qualitative terms where it should have addressed to the heavy metal contamination such as lead, arsenic and cadmium etc in quantitative terms. Food safety checklist includes different aspects under the following heads: Personal hygiene Food Preparation Hot holding Cold holding Refrigerator, Freezer cooler Food Storage Dry Storage Cleaning sanitizing Utensils equipment Garbage storage and disposal Pest control Notes The installation of ISO: 14000, ISO 22000 Quality Management Systems and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) based food safety system is extremely desirable in view of the changing scenario in the international trade. Ministry of Food Processing Industries is operating a Plan Scheme to motivate the food processing industries for adoption / implementation of food safety and quality assurance mechanisms such as Total Quality Management (TQM)including ISO, ISO 14000, ISO 22000, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Good Hygienic Practices (GHP) and prepare them to face the global competition in international trade in post WTO era. (Ministry of op Annual Report 2008-09) Unprocessed foods are susceptible to spoilage by biochemical processes, microbial attack and infestation. The right post harvest practices such as good processing techniques, and proper packaging, transportation and storage (of even processed foods) can play a significant role in reducing spoilage and extending shelf life. Sources: Food Security-Agricultural Bio Diversity (Yamini Gurani) Food safety standards ( www.foodstandards.gov.au) Comprehensive study of food regulations and standards, food testing, CODEX resource system Report by TUV South Asia Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Wuthering Heights Reading Log
Alex Plager Britten Wuthering Heights Assignment Round 2 Reading Log: The two men in Catherine's life represent one of many sets of doubles within the novel. Both of these men contrast one another, and fight for power, influence, love and attention in her life. Because both Edgar and Heathcliff both represent contrasting forces in the novel, they are unable to work together or act amiably towards one another. The goal of each one is to remove the other from Cathy's life. After Catherine's death, Heathcliff attempts to sneakily remove the lock of Edgar's hair enclosed in the locket about her neck and replace it with his own.In â€Å"open[ing] the trinket, and cast[ing] out its contents,†(145) Heathcliff believes that he has won this battle with Edgar. Symbolically, this action represents Heathcliff casting Edgar out of Catherine's life and heart, and filling the space with himself. Heathcliff walks out of the room believing that Catherine's body will be put to rest with only h is lock of hair on her, meaning that he will be with her for the remainder of her physical existence on this world. However, Nelly steps in and intertwines Edgar's hair with Heathcliff's.Both Edgar and Heathcliff live their lives believing that Catherine is holding a lock of only their own hair in her coffin, thinking that they are the only one who will be with her in death. However, Nelly's actions represent the fact that despite the two men's efforts of trying to win Catherine to themselves wholly, even in death, that Catherine holds both of them in her heart, and that neither one cannot be completely cast out. As Catherine is discussing the nature of her love for both Edgar and Heathcliff, she reveals a doubling within her personality.She says, â€Å"Nelly, I am Heathcliff,†(70) and continues on to say that any separation between them â€Å"is impracticable. †This revelation reveals a lot regarding their relationship, and how the two of them seem inseparable throu ghout the novel. It explains why Catherine allows Heathcliff to repeatedly come back into her life even though the sheer mention of his name perturbs Edgar's composure. The double that is Catherine/Heathcliff explains why Heathcliff is constantly a part of Catherine's life.For Catherine, Heathcliff is less of a separate person, a different entity, but more of a projection of her personality. Heathcliff represents the wild, naturalistic aspect of her personality, which has been suppressed by her change into a civil, upper-class person. As such, this suppressed personality returns in waves, exhibited both in her fits, and Heathcliff's unrelenting visits, refusing to be put out like the fire Edgar regards it to be. The reoccurring theme of doubles is at its strongest within chapter 15 as Lockwood begins narrating the story to the reader from Nelly's perspective.To clarify, the events have already been recounted to Lockwood through Nelly, and now he is narrating the story after she has told it to him, through her perspective, â€Å"She is, on the whole, a very fair narrator, and I don't think I could improve her style†(134). Needless to say, the reader is experiencing the story not secondhand, but thirdhand. Also, Nelly has already been revealed to be an unreliable narrator, as well as Lockwood. Combining the two is certain to have a profound effect on the story itself. The narration of the story has already had a tone of gossip about it, especially since Nelly called herself as a â€Å"gossip†(53).Now the ‘he said she said' essence of the story takes its strongest form, as we, the readers, are hearing about it ‘through the grapevine. ‘ Bronte uses this doubling of narration to emphasize the removal of the reader from the events in the story. The shadow of doubt the novel has been shrouded in is now a level deeper and darker than it has been up to this point in the novel. Nelly's biased narration of events, whose memory is blurred by time, is now coupled with Lockwood's own character flaws of misjudging characters and is subjected to his own bias as he recounts the already recounted tale.Within the novel, the relationships between servants and masters are anything but traditional ones. One would expect a servant to respect their master, and keep their tongue in check, however Nelly Dean seems exempt from these expectations, causing the reader to question who is the true master and servant within the household. On page 102, â€Å"[Catherine] rang the bell till is broke with a twang,†however, rather than rushing in as most servants should given the franticness of the bell ringing, Nelly â€Å"enter[s] leisurely. †This singular event provides a plethora of insight into the relationship between master and servant.The reader is able to discern that, since it is Nelly recounting the story, she would have no knowledge of the events happening in the room prior to her calling unless she was not alread y within earshot. Therefore, Nelly already knows the nature of the confrontation going on between Edgar and Nelly, and how it is of importance. Yet still, Nelly â€Å"leisurely†enters the room, flaunting her knowledge that Catherine needs her on a level beyond that of which a master typically needs a servant, and also spiting her by deliberately taking longer to arrive.However, during her narration of this scene, the reader can see building emotion within Nelly just within the paragraph this quote is taken from. It is clear that Nelly's â€Å"temper of a saint†is strung tight by Catherine's â€Å"senseless, wicked rages! â€Å"(102) And as a result of this emotion that she is not entirely able to control, Nelly's narration of this particular scene may be more unreliable than usual, as she might be tempted to exaggerate Catherine's behavior in order to justify her anger with her to Lockwood more, so that he may agree with her, or so that she may feel that he does.Di ction Log: 1: â€Å"Will you say, twenty years hence, ‘That's the grave of Catherine Earnshaw. I loved her long ago†¦ †(137) Synonyms: Linton Catherine's choice of calling herself Linton reveals much about how she views herself in terms of her identity. During her time as Catherine Earnshaw, Cathy identifies herself as being Heathcliff's lover, but after her marriage to Edgar, her public identity changes to Catherine Linton, signifying her position as Edgar's lover.Telling Heathcliff that her grave will be that of Catherine Earnshaw is telling Heathcliff that she rejects her identity of Catherine Linton, and that she will be his in death, as she should have been in life. The continued musing on her death in this scene foreshadows her impending death, and this line serves to both comfort Heathcliff, and also ignite further heartbreak in regards to her death as Heathcliff both derives pleasure and anguish knowing that Catherine was his, yet was never with her. 2: â €Å"†¦ while her cheeks, at once blanched and livid, assumed the aspect of death.Linton looked terrified. †Synonyms: Edgar, her husband In referring to Edgar as Linton, there would normally be ambiguity in doing so because, technically, Catherine is also â€Å"Linton. †But addressing him as solely Linton reflects both Edgar's feelings of her not being ‘his' anymore and signifies the distance that he feels is growing between the two of them. The reader also knows that Bronte is referring to Edgar because the reader understands that Catherine is not truly a Linton, and not entirely Edgar's.Bronte's word choice symbolizes a growing emotional distance between Edgar and Catherine, terrifying Edgar not only for the sake of her safety, but also for their relationship. Since Bronte's word choice reflects Nelly's disposition, it is also made known to the reader that Nelly sees this growing distance, and development of Catherine's character. 3: â€Å"Thought I hate him as much as ever, he did me a good turn a short time ago that will make my conscience tender of breaking his neck. †(75) Synonyms: fond, delicateOf the possible synonyms that could replace the word tender in this context, â€Å"tender†conveys the meaning of what Edgar is saying best. Edgar is saying to Catherine that despite his anger towards Heathcliff, he is refraining from retaliating violently because his conscience prevents him from doing so because he feels that he owes Heathcliff a favor. The word â€Å"tender,†while typically used to describe something fragile that tends to break, is effective because it contrasts sharply with the action of â€Å"breaking his neck. 4: â€Å"†¦ In fact, that his health and strength were being sacrificed to preserve a mere ruin of humanity, he know no limits in gratitude and joy when Catherine's life was declared out of danger; and hour after hour her would sit beside her, tracing the gradual return to bodily health, and flattering his too sanguine hopes with the illusion that her mind would settle back to its right balance also, and she would soon be entirely herself. †(115) Synonyms: happy, optimisticIf one of the listed synonyms were used in lieu of â€Å"sanguine†the only meaning to the sentence would be the implication and foreshadowing made by Nelly that Edgar had his hopes too high, and that Catherine would never truly return to health. However, the use of â€Å"sanguine†adds a certain connotation to the quotation. While â€Å"sanguine†has no direct link to blood, through definition or synonymously, the root of it is linked to blood. Bronte's use of this word in particular serves multiple purposes.The first further emphasizes how high Edgar's hopes are for Catherine's healing. They are so strong they can be smelt, and tasted and have substance to them, the qualities of which are all likened to blood. Also, describing these hopes as sanguine serves to illustrate to the reader how much effort Edgar has put into helping Catherine, conveying that he has almost literally put blood, sweat, and tears into their relationship and her well-being. 5: â€Å"‘Ah! you are come, are you, Edgar Linton? she said, with angry animation. †(110) Synonyms: liveliness, fervor This quote is taken from a scene in which Catherine is having one of her frequent fits. The verb animate is traditionally used to describe an inanimate object coming into motion. During her fits, Catherine is often likened to an inanimate object due to her habit of fainting, or becoming immobile. During this particular one, she had been relatively stoic, limp, and puppet like, as she had been starving herself and appeared â€Å"haggard†(110).As such, the use of the word â€Å"animation†most properly fits the prior depictions of her within the scene as it fits the theme of her descriptions. 6: â€Å"Isabella and he had had an hour's interview, durin g which he tried to elicit from her some sentiment of proper horror for Heathcliff's advances; but he could make nothing of her evasive replies, and was obliged to close the examination unsatisfactorily, adding, however, that if she were so insane as to encourage that worthless suitor, it would dissolve all bonds of relationship between herself and him. (103) Synonyms: conversation, audience, exchange The use of the word interview enhances the meaning of the quote in that it provides a certain depiction of the exchange between Edgar and Isabella. Bronte's choice of the word interview conveys that it was not an amicable, two-sided conversation. While the interaction may not quite have been an interrogation, it was more aggressive than a mutual conversation would have been, as Edgar was obviously distressed regarding Heathcliff's relationship with her. : â€Å"Isabella and he had had an hour's interview, during which he tried to elicit from her some sentiment of proper horror for Hea thcliff's advances; but he could make nothing of her evasive replies, and was obliged to close the examination unsatisfactorily, adding, however, that if she were so insane as to encourage that worthless suitor, it would dissolve all bonds of relationship between herself and him. †(103) Synonyms: inquiry, interrogation Continuing from the same quote as above, Nelly continues to reveal the nature of the exchange between Isabella and Edgar.Choosing to regard it as an examination furthers the imagery of an uncomfortable interaction between siblings. The use of the word examination is more effective than â€Å"inquiry†or â€Å"interrogation†would be because of the tone that Bronte gives the nature of the conversation between them. Edgar is not an overly aggressive individual, and to interrogate his sister would be out of character for him. However, an examination suits Edgar's passivity because it conjures an image of a jealous lover trying to elicit information f rom their significant other, which is much like what Edgar is trying to do. 8: â€Å"Cheer up, you shan't be hurt!Your type is not a lamb, it's a sucking leveret. †(99) Synonyms: mouse, turtle I opted not to choose direct synonyms for leveret, which are rabbit, and hare, because these words do not change the nature of Catherine's insult. Bronte's diction here is likely due in large part to colloquialism of the time. However, the nature of Catherine's insult is rooted more in the fact that she is belittling Edgar as having the courage of a small animal more prone to flight, rather than to fight. Catherine chooses to call Edgar a leveret because of his predisposition to avoid and run from conflict, rather han to face it directly. A turtle retreats into its shell, whereas a rabbit will tuck its tail and run, exactly like Catherine is accusing Edgar of doing in this quote. This insult is particularly effect because Catherine is calling Edgar's manhood into question, which is not only uncharacteristic of a woman of the time, but she is also doing so in front of Heathcliff, effectively making a direct challenge to Edgar on both her and Heathcliff's behalf. Literary Criticism: â€Å"Will you forget me–will you be happy when I am in the earth? Will you say, twenty years hence, ‘That's the grave of Catherine Earnshaw.I loved her long ago, and was wretched to lose her; but it is past. ‘†(137) The goal of psychoanalysis is to interpret a character's (un)conscious desires by identifying Freudian concepts. An example of one of these such concepts is a Freudian slip, and one lies within the quote. Consciously or not, Catherine has called herself Catherine Earnshaw, despite her status as Edgar's wife, making her both legally and socially known as Catherine Linton. However, she has revealed in this Freudian slip that she does not emotionally identify herself as Catherine Linton, but as an Earnshaw.This is important because much of the confli ct up to this point has stemmed from Heathcliff's anger at Edgar taking Catherine from him, and in his struggle to win her back from him. Within this quote, Catherine subtly tells Heathcliff that she will die Catherine Earnshaw, meaning that she is rejecting the Linton name, thus ultimately meaning that emotionally, she is Heathcliff's. â€Å"Well, if I cannot keep Heathcliff for my friend, if Edgar will be mean and jealous, I'll try to break their hearts by breaking my own.That will be a prompt way of finishing all, when I am pushed to extremity! †(101) Within this scene, Catherine is venting to Nelly regarding her feelings regarding the conflict between Heathcliff and Edgar. In the quote, it is visible that Catherine is exhausted by their constant fighting, and the toll that it has been taking on her. Out of context, the claim the Catherine makes concerning her ability to â€Å"break their hearts†seems conceited, however, from a feminist perspective, this statement is substantial.For a novel written in this time, it would be rather uncommon for a woman to be depicted as having power over a man, much less two of them. While Catherine does appear to be selfish, and conceited in this quote, she is depicted as essentially having control over the two men, in that she has the ability to â€Å"[finish] all,†establishing the force that Catherine is able to exert in both of the relationships. In relation to the meaning of the work as a whole, this quote associates the ideas of emotional exile and acceptance. 3Ãâ€"3: Revenge consumes wholly Pain prevents transcendence
Friday, January 10, 2020
What Absolutely Everyone Is Saying About Vet Tech Essay Samples
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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Death Penalty Should Not Be Practiced - 1627 Words
Capital Punishment, also commonly known as the death penalty, is a very controversial topic thorough out the United States. Many arguments can be made for both sides of the argument, which has left the country spilt on whether or not it is an acceptable practice. Capital Punishment, the legal execution by the government of a person convicted of a series crime, is legal in 35 of the 50 states. There are many arguments among Christians on whether or not it is moral and/or biblically acceptable. This heated controversy has not only the country divided but also Christians as a whole. To those who oppose the death penalty capital punishment is not only immoral, but also allows for a lot of different issues to arise as well. To many Christians the use of the death penalty should not be practiced in the U.S. because it is ineffective in reducing crime, costs a lot, is risky, and is immoral. Many believe that while death sentences punish individual criminals for individual crimes it has no effect in reducing crime in the United States, and does not solve the problems or hurt that the criminal caused. To them the only effective thing that the death penalty accomplishes is punishing one individual. This punishment does not have widespread effects on the rest of the people. According to the NCCADP (NC Coalition for Alternatives to the Death Penalty) the death penalty has no impact on murder rates. An article on their website stated, â€Å"Nationally, murder rates are significantly lowerShow MoreRelatedEssay on Death Penalty Should Not Be Practiced904 Words  | 4 PagesCapital Punishment The death penalty is capital punishment given by the legislature of a nation, to individuals who have perpetrated repulsive criminal acts like manslaughter, and so on. The death penalty has been a method for rebuffing individuals since ages. Despite the fact that there are a few nations that have canceled capital punishment from their law, there are still numerous which still practice the demonstration of executing an individual for wrongdoing. The death penalty is common in the USRead MorePersuasive Essay On Capital Punishment921 Words  | 4 PagesCapital punishment is a controversial debate in the United States. Many Americans believe that the death penalty is immoral because of its ethical complications. Still others believe that capital punishment is a cheaper and quicker way for justice to be served. When the government houses inmates, vast amounts of money are spent on food, medication, and clothing for inmates to survive in prison. Yet, the majority of America still allows for the practice of capital punishment in several manners suchRead MoreEssay about Capital Punishment and The Code of King Hammurabi of Babylon1003 Words  | 5 Pagesof King Hammurabi of Babylon. Under this code twenty five crimes, excluding murder, were punishable by death. In historical data, the first death penalty was imposed to offender who was blamed for magic in 16th century BC Egypt (Regio, 1997). Unfortunately, death penalty is still practiced in some countries. For example, in Egypt recently on 24 March 2014, Minya Criminal Court imposed death penalty to 529 followers of Egyptian ex-president Mohamed Morsi for their participation in violence (AmnestyRead More The Death Penalty As a Form of Justice Around the World Essay1473 Words  | 6 PagesThe Death Penalty As a Form of Justice Around the World Introduction: The death penalty is a subject that has become very big in the 21st century. Many centuries ago the death penalty is something that was widely practiced in almost all cultures. This revenge sort of action was the only way some old civilizations felt could really prevent criminals from breaking the law. The USA today is almost left alone among nations when it comes to the death penalty and the U.S. government does not haveRead MoreCapital Punishment Of The United States964 Words  | 4 PagesThe lawful infliction of death of an individual is what is referred to as death penalty. Majority of the countries in the world have abolished the practice, however, there is no cord that has been officially formed by world countries against its use (Cole, 25). China, which is the most populous country in the world, leads as it executes thousands of inmates yearly. United States of America still practices it even when it is perceived the most democratic republic on earth. As of today, 84 countr iesRead MoreCapital Punishment : Is It Really Good?1117 Words  | 5 PagesTatyana Mr. Johnson English 3 August 2015 Capital Punishment or the Death Penalty, is it really good? The death penalty, what comes to mind when you hear those words? Death, punishment, murder, the value of life and right to live, perhaps even the constitution. That is what comes to mind of many people who hear those words. Should we have the death penalty or should we not? Capital punishment should only be used for the right purposes, at the right time, for only the worst offenders. The goalRead MoreThe Death Penalty: The Case of Carlos DeLuna Essay1321 Words  | 6 Pagesand sentenced to death in 1989. Deluna protested that he did not commit the crime, however, he was arrested. He even went further, he named the culprit, a violent criminal named Carlos Hernandez. However, the chief prosecutor believed that Hernandez did not exist; he was only a â€Å"figment of DeLunas imagination.†About four years later the execution of Carlos Deluna, Hernandez admitted his crime of killing Lopez. Would everything be different if Deluna was not sentenced to death, but just imprisoned Read MoreThe Death Penalty Is Not Justice1509 Words  | 7 Pagesjustice.†-Desmond Tutu The death penalty is a legal punishment practiced worldwide, which includes execution being the punishment, mandated to someone convicted of a crime. The death penalty has existed since 1700 B.C. when the Code of Hammurabi was a legal document in ancient Babylonia. Ever since the Code of Hammurabi many countries have adopted this punishment including the United States. When European settlers came to America, Americans obtained the death penalty. During the establishment ofRead MoreCapital Punishment : Imposition Of A Penalty Of Death By The State Essay1271 Words  | 6 PagesCapital punishment: Imposition of a penalty of death by the state. Capital punishment has been widely practiced ever since ancient times, as far back as 1500 B.C. From the fall of Rome to the beginning of modern times, capital punishment has been practiced all over the world. However, the problem in the justice system is that the death penalty can be wrongfully applied. This is rare but it does happen, the falsely incriminated is sentenced and executed. It is important that the government stillRead MoreHistorical and Definition of Capital Punishment1160 Words  | 5 Pages This essay will out line the historical and definition of capital punishment. In the time of life each crime should have sentence which makes the criminal stop doing their mistakes again and again. People might not agree with some laws, their should believes that laws made only to protects them and their houses, farms, cars , also their life. There are a huge number of crimes such as robbery and assault on the street. If we couldnt find a sentence or laws to stop that which putting people life
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